We are currently recruiting additional volunteers for the A/V Team. If you enjoy working with technology and could serve 1-2 services per month, please sign up below.
Sound & Cameras
- Turn everything on 1 hour prior to service start time*
- Play background music
- Operate the mixer during the service (mute/unmute, adjsut volume levels)
- Adjust camera angles and zoom as needed during the service
- Play background music after the service
- Shut everything down 30 minutes after the service*
*Times are flexible suggestions
Livestream & Lyrics
- Turn everything on 1 hour prior to service start time*
- Play background music
- Go live 5 minutes before the service starts
- Operate Proclaim (projectors) during the service
- Go off air at the service end
- Play background music
- Shut everything down 30 minutes after the service*
*Times are flexible suggestions
Sunday 8:45 am - 10:15 am
Sunday 10:15 am - 12:00 pm
Wednesday 5:45 - 6:45 pm (seasonally)
Wednesday 6:45 pm - 8:15 pm