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Dennis  & Jolaine Thomas serving Latin America
San Joaquin de Flores, Heredia, Costa Rica


Sponsoring Church: Midway Baptist Church 205 S . Bridgefarmer Rd., McKinney, Texas 75069

Pastor:EdNeal 214-232-3038

Blessings to one and all.  We love you and thank you for your faithful support for this great outreach Listen to the words of our Lord Jesus."Andhesaiduntothem,Letusgointothenexttowns,thatImay preach there also: Yor therefore came Iforth." Mark 1:38 This command is as effective and relevant today as it was oh so many years ago. So, what about those people, those eternal souls, in the next town or country? These words of Jesus inflame Jolaine and I and challenge us to do something.....something more!!! Listen to the Psalmist
but let it be said that ve di allhat we oklaw me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul." Let it never be said about us but let it be said that we did all that we could.


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