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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Truly it is a joy to know that we serve a risen Savior! This past Resurrection Sunday over 120 inmates gathered in the chapel for the Sunday morning service. There was not enough room to seat them all so some had to stand outside and listen through an open door. These men were able to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are confident that much seed has been sown and we trust God to give the increase.

The need for prison ministry is just as great as it has ever been. Many men behind bars are shackled by sin, addiction, and are without hope. We know that only Jesus can truly set them free. He can take their stony heart and give them a heart of flesh. Please continue to pray for us and for this ministry that God has entrusted into our care.

Of course, this was possible because of the prayers and the sacrificial giving of God's people. So we sincerely thank you. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus. Ye have done it unto the least of these your brethren and therefore you have done it unto Christ. May He bless you as you have blessed us!

Brother Ken Avery