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Dear Friends,

January is one of the busiest times of the year for the office of Global Faith. The previous year's reports and records must be finalized while starting the new year properly. While office work is not the most glamorous activity of a mission agency, it is an essential component of missionary work.

As this took place in the first days of operation for 2024, we were blessed by other exciting events in our office.

First Week of the Year:

  • We had the final meeting in the acceptance process for a couple who were accepted as missionaries with Global Faith. Jonathan and Tara Higdon are now officially raising their support to go to the country of Panama.

Second Week of the Year:

  • We met with a family who minister in Peru and are home on furlough. It was a blessing to hear from Daniel and Heather DeLand as they informed us of the progress of their ministry in the Andes Mountains. The testimonies of salvation, discipleship taking place, and church planting opportunities were inspiring.
  • The testimony of a young man from Guatemala who attended the mid-week Bible study I teach started with these words, “I have decided to return to the way of the Lord.” He continued by stating, “I came to this country to find a better way of life. But I also found temptations. I realized that I had strayed from the ways of the Lord and am now returning to what is right.” As the young man shared his struggles in his Christian life, I was reminded of how important our ministry is to the multi-ethnic community in this country.
  • Missionary Ashley Huskey returned from a seventeen-day survey trip to South Korea, where she will serve in the near future. We are thankful for the missionary personnel that God has given us who are devoted to their missionary calling.

Third week of the year:

  • We established strategies for multiple ministry events in Project Yucatán for Christ in 2024. My meetings with pastors and churches involved current and upcoming ministry events.

As prayer and financial partners, you have a part in these ministries. Edi and I are looking forward to serving alongside you in 2024 for the cause of global missions. Thank you for your partnership with us.

Roy and Edi Seals

The proper execution of the office work at Global Faith Mission Agency allows the missionary personnel to concentrate on their tasks of evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and training national leadership for ongoing ministry.

We are grateful for our office workers.

Ashley Huskey spent seventeen days on a very important survey trip to

South Korea.


The DeLand family blessed us with their field report about their ministry in the Andes Mountains of Peru.

Our Global Faith office has several maps on our walls that remind us of our task.

Roy and Edi have been serving in missionary work for over forty years. Roy currently serves as the Director of Global Faith Mission Agency.

They are both actively involved in multi-ethnic ministry; this facet of their ministry is called Cross-Cultural Impact.

You can contact Roy and Edi by email:


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