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Dear Friends,

Earlier this year while in Costa Verde, Panama, I spoke at the annual mission conference of Iglesia Bautista de Costa Verde (Costa Verde Baptist Church).

We also had meetings with church leaders and missionaries in which we discussed mission strategies for the ongoing ministry in Panama. Topics ranged from the call of God to missions in an individual's life, the mission program of the church, and the purpose and intent of a mission agency.

Iglesia Bautista de Costa Verde is only four years old yet this was the third consecutive year in which the church had a mission conference.

As the mission emphasis ended on Sunday, the church committed to a partnership with Jorge and Nancy Cunampio and are now supporting them financially.

Jorge and Nancy are part of the Emberá tribe; they serve as missionaries to their own indigenous population in Panama.

Currently, Iglesia Bautista de Costa Verde is under the leadership of founding missionary Clifford Suddeth and Hermano Cesar, a Panamanian pastor and missionary.

As a prayer partner and/or financial partner, you are part of our ministry in which we are privileged to see mission work on the foreign field grow and develop into churches that fulfill the task of the Great Commission.

Thank you for partnering with us in these exciting and developing ministries in other lands.


Roy and Edi Seals
