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Dear Friends,

Edi began discipling Carmen in 1980. Over the next few years, she invested hundreds of hours in mentoring Carmen and teaching her biblical principles that are essential for the Christian life.

As time passed, Carmen’s husband Manuel prepared for ministry and then became the pastor of the church in Merida, a position which I previously held as missionary/pastor. Manuel is still pastoring the church to this day.

On a recent ministry trip to Yucatán, I once again had the privilege of speaking at the church. After the preaching hour, Manuel baptized a recent convert.

The custom of the church is that the congregation sings hymns while waiting for both the pastor and those baptized to change into dry clothes and then come back to the auditorium where the church embraces the newly baptized convert.

While singing and waiting, Carmen asked for a moment to share a testimony. She brought a young girl named Karen to the platform. Karen was clutching a doll in her hands.

Carmen went on to say, “Years ago, I gave Karen this little doll, which she is holding today. Over the years, the doll became dirty from playing outdoors; it also suffered damage and was torn. On one occasion, we had to repair her nose. Despite being dirty and damaged, Karen still loves this doll.”

She went on to say, “This is a picture of God’s love for us. Even when we become dirty because of sin, He never ceases to love us.”

As I heard Carmen give an excellent object lesson of God’s love, my mind went back to when Edi began investing time into discipling Carmen. For decades now, Carmen has been discipling and teaching others.

Discipleship is part of the Great Commission that God has given to the church. It is time consuming and requires infinite patience; yet, the results are productive and a blessing.

Manuel and Carmen continue to minister faithfully today in this same church.  Thank you for partnering with us in discipling believers.

Roy and Edi Seals

Thank You!

Thank you to those who gave to Life Pediatric Clinic last month. Your gift is a great help to this ministry.

Continue to pray for Dr. Milly and this medical ministry that is reaching out to the underprivileged in Santiago, Dominican Republic.


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