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Dear Friends,

These last couple of months have been a whirlwind, but we truly have seen God’s hand in the details. We thank God for you and for the vital part you play in our ministries in Arequipa. Dave finished teaching one course the first part of July and is now in the second semester teaching the doctrine of Christ, preparing leaders for God's glory. The ministry at the Worthy of Life Prenatal/Family Counseling Center has been growing. god is working in the hearts of the ladies that are coming in for counseling and they are responding.  

The ministry at the Hope of Life Baptist Church is growing slowly.  In the middle of August the children and youth finished a 12 week study that Samaritans Purse gave us and we had the graduation for that.  Pray that these young people will continue to come and that their parents will come as well.  

We ask for your prayers for Sue, Melanie’s mom and for Valerie, Melanie's sister.  Her mom fell almost three weeks ago and fractured a vertebrae in her lower back.  Now she is in rehabilitation and thankfully, improving a little each day.  Pray that she will get stronger and be able to return home in a week.  Valerie suffered whiplash two months ago.  She was in the water and a wave hit a man and the man was thrown into her and injured her back and neck.  She is experiencing a lot of pain and will be getting more treatment the beginning of October.  Pray that God will touch and heal her.

Please pray also for our son, Ben and his fiancee Gigi whose wedding is scheduled for the 20th of this month. 

Our church family in Arequipa need prayer, that they will continue to grow in their walk with the Lord and more will come to trust the Lord as their Savior.

We thank God for you and for the vital part you play in our ministries in Arequipa.


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